NIXsolutions: X/Twitter Launches Audio and Video Calling for Android Users

X/Twitter has introduced audio and video calling features for its Android users, marking a significant milestone in the platform’s evolution. These functions, initially discussed by CEO Linda Yaccarino in August 2023, were first made available to iOS users in October, with the Android release following suit. The implementation, however, seems to be driven by financial considerations, according to insights from X engineers.

NIX Solutions

Functionality and Accessibility

Users can access these calling features after updating the application. Notably, any user can receive calls, but the ability to make calls is reserved for premium tariff subscribers. The flexibility to manage call settings is available through the Settings menu, under Privacy and Security, specifically in the Private Messages – Audio and Video Calls section. Users can tailor their experience by limiting calls to contacts, people they follow, or verified users, with the option to choose multiple settings simultaneously.

Twitter’s Ambitious Transformation

Formerly known simply as Twitter, the platform is now positioned to realize Elon Musk’s vision of becoming “the app for everything,”notes NIXsolutions. This month, X unveiled its 2024 plans, encompassing the launch of payment functions, enhanced AI capabilities, and expanded advertising products. This strategic move follows challenges the platform faced, such as the departure of major advertisers, including Apple and Disney, due to concerns over controversial content. Elon Musk’s public defiance against advertisers’ boycotts further underscored the platform’s evolution.