NIXSOLUTIONS: Android Migrates from Google Fit API to Android Health

Google is committed to empowering developers to create innovative health and fitness apps on Android. Over the past few years, they have dedicated significant resources to expanding the Android Health platform, aiming to establish a unified, secure, and user-friendly health ecosystem. The ultimate goal is to provide developers with a robust, integrated health management platform that minimizes fragmentation and streamlines the development process.


Transition to Android Health

Google Fit for developers is poised to become a central component of the Android Health platform. This strategic shift is designed to enhance the experience for both developers and users, ensuring seamless operation across the entire platform. As part of this transition, Google Fit APIs, including REST APIs, will remain accessible until June 30, 2025, affording developers ample time to migrate to Android Health. Effective immediately, however, new Google Fit API subscriptions will no longer be accepted as Google focuses on enhancing the Android Health platform.

Implications for Developers

Developers using the Google Fit API for Android

For developers currently utilizing the Google Fit API for Android, transitioning to Android Health products is strongly recommended to maintain a seamless experience for their users. Android Health APIs offer numerous advantages over the Google Fit APIs, such as more efficient recording of steps, distance, and calories, enhanced access to recorded data, and improved data sharing capabilities across apps. To facilitate the migration process, Google has developed a comprehensive migration guide, detailing the necessary steps for transitioning from the Google Fit API to Android Health products.

Developers using Google Fit REST API

For users of the Fit REST API, the transition to the Android Health API is advised, given that Android Health APIs have shifted to an on-device model. While there will be no alternative to the Fit REST API, migrating to the Android Health API offers compatibility with the evolving ecosystem.

The Android Health ecosystem is rapidly expanding, with established partnerships already in place with Fitbit, Withings, Signos, Oura, Peloton, and Lifesum. This collaborative effort is expected to foster a vibrant landscape of connected health and fitness apps, empowering users to take control of their well-being like never before.

NIXSOLUTIONS adds that further insights into the future of Android Health will be unveiled at Google I/O on May 14, 2024. Stay tuned for updates and announcements during this highly anticipated event.

As the Android Health platform continues to evolve, we’ll ensure developers stay informed about the latest developments and opportunities. Stay connected with us for ongoing updates and support throughout this transition period.